Los junio maluma Diarios

Los junio maluma Diarios

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"I decided to write this beautiful song because I also dream about having a family," he exclusively told E! News in April 2020, "getting old and having this partner in my life."

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The video also shows the couple sharing the big news with their respective families and Gomez’s belly growing over the past few months.

He continued, “It's crazy. It’s a crazy feeling that only parents Perro understand… but I just love this feeling and my days are brighter than ever.”

Los colombianos Karol G y Maluma se lanzan al "funk carioca" en el rémix de Tá OK que se lanzó este jueves y donde se unen al productor brasileño Dennis y a MC Kevin o Chris en "una conexión muy especial entre el tamborzão del funk de los abriles 2000 y el ritmo latino irreprimible del reguetón".

It's getting born right now. I feel very excited about it. I Chucho't wait for next year to have my baby in my arms and keep thinking and all my goals and all these things that I want to do. I don't feel like my baby is going to be in the middle to create distance between me and my goals. maluma I feel like my baby's actually getting me closer to my maluma dreams. And that's nice.

La princesa Charlotte celebra sus nueve abriles con una linda retrato tomada por su mamá, la princesa Kate

And he was like, “I'm really honored to be here, but maluma babay I just can't wait to get home.” It changes you in ways that you just Gozque't imagine.

Fue súper relajado y sin lujos: la forma en que las chicas bailaban, la música y todo el sentimiento de la vida nocturna jamaicana Cuadro hermoso ".

“I promise to give you my best, always, and I hope this is the first of many. So thank you everybody,” she said before sharing a clip with Maluma talking about her reaction.

Not even with my dad, not even with my mom, my family. It's something that I don't vibe with. Because my life without that is so happy that I know it's going to bring a bunch of stress in my life. And I don't want that. I'm going to do it in the way that I know how to do it. That is giving all the opportunities to the poor kids in my country and Latin America around the world. Try to teach them how I did it so they know a little bit junio maluma how to get there, how to become the Maluma of the next generation. I just want to be the best example I Perro be for the for the new generations.

“Paris, our beautiful daughter, she’s growing inside her mom’s belly and she gives me many reasons to keep dreaming,” he said. “It’s like she made a reset on my mind. She’s everything to me right now. It’s crazy. It’s a crazy feeling that only parents are going to understand.”

Maluma es unidad de los personajes más poderosos de la plataforma, con 27,4 millones de suscriptores y decenas junio maluma de miles de millones de vistas en sus videos.

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